Honey Primulus
V veseljem nam je bilo delati z nadvse prijetno stranko, tokrat iz sosednje Hrvaške.
Gospod Aron z družino izdeluje med iz višav hrvaškega visokogorja.
Družina je bila zelo navezana na obstoječi dizajn etiket medu, vendar so želeli osvežitev, posodobitev. Projekta smo se lotili tako, da smo prerisali in modernizirali obstoječi dizajn. Stranka je bila navdušena nad končno rešitvijo, tako da smo isti dizajn implementirali tudi na spletno stran.
We were delighted to work with a lovely client, this time from neighbouring Croatia. Mr. Aron and his family produce honey from the heights of the Croatian highlands.
The family was very attached to the existing honey label design, but they wanted a refresh, an update. We approached the project by redrawing and modernizing the existing design. The client was thrilled with the final solution, so we implemented the same design on the website, as well.