Koper - Capodsitria 1500 let / years
Oblikovali smo podobo za praznovanje 1500. obletnice mesta Koper.
Izhodišče priložnostnega logotipa je bil osnovni logotip Koper Capodistria, ki smo ga obogatili z elementom zastave in napisom 1500 let.
Zastava predstavlja simbol praznovanja, zato smo se odločili, da postane ključni element v podobi prazničnega leta in vseh povezanih dogodkov. Oblika zastav izhaja iz oblike gibelinskih cin na Pretorski palači - ene najbolj značilnih mestnih stavb.
Ponosni smo, da smo s svojim delom prispevali k obeležitvi bogate zgodovine in dediščine mesta Koper.
We have designed the visual identity for the celebration of the 1500th anniversary of the city of Koper. The basis for the commemorative logo was the existing Koper Capodistria logo, which we enriched with a flag element and the inscription "1500 years."
The flag symbolizes the celebration, leading us to make it a key element in the visual representation of the festive year and all related events. The design of the flags is inspired by the shapes of the Ghibelline merlons on the Pretorian Palace, one of the city's most characteristic buildings.
We are proud to have contributed to commemorating the rich history and heritage of the city of Koper with our work.