Posters / Posterji KDC
Že vrsto let oblikujemo mesečne plakate za Kulturni dom Cerknica, ki so napovednik vseh prireditev, koncertov in gledaliških predstav v Cerknici. Vsak mesec skrbimo, da plakati ne le informirajo, temveč tudi vizualno izstopajo, pri čemer odražajo raznolikost in bogastvo kulturnega dogajanja v Cerknici. Veseli nas, da s svojim delom prispevamo k promociji kulturnih vsebin in spodbujamo lokalno ustvarjalnost.
For many years, we have been designing monthly posters for Kulturni dom Cerknica, serving as announcements for all events, concerts, and theater performances in Cerknica. Every month, we ensure that the posters not only inform but also stand out visually, reflecting the diversity and richness of the cultural scene in Cerknica. We are proud to contribute to the promotion of cultural content and to support local creativity through our work.