Primorski poletni festival 2023
Ponosni smo, da smo ustvarili grafično podobo letošnjega Primorskega poletnega festivala! Festival, ki združuje raznolik niz gledaliških predstav, je pravo praznovanje umetnosti in kulture v regiji. Za glavno sliko festivala smo izbrali osupljivo fotografijo igralke Polone Juh iz gledališke igre "Penelopiada".
Ustvarili smo vizualno osupljivo podobo festivala. Ta očarljiva slika popolnoma zajema duh dogodka, ki se osredotoča na ženske in njihovo pomembno vlogo v življenju in družbi.
Our design studio is thrilled to have created this year's graphic identity for the Primorski Poletni festival! The festival, which brings together a diverse array of theatrical performances, is a true celebration of the arts and culture in the region. We have chosen a stunning photo of the actor Polona Juh from the theatre play "Penelopiada" as the festival's main image. Combining it with the festival's logo, we have created a visually stunning representation of the festival.This captivating image perfectly encapsulates the spirit of the event, which focuses on women and their significant but often challenging role in life and society.
Če želite izvedeti več o tem vznemirljivem dogodku, obiščite njihovo spletno stran na Izrekamo hvaležnost organizatorjem festivala, da so nam zaupali to nalogo, in zelo smo počaščeni, da lahko prispevamo k živahni umetniški sceni na slovenski obali. Pridružite se nam pri praznovanju ustvarjalnosti, kulture in uprizoritvenih umetnosti na Primorskem poletnem festivalu!
To learn more about this exciting event, visit their website at www.primorskifestival.siwe extend our gratitude to the festival organizers for entrusting us with this project, and we are honored to contribute to the vibrant arts scene in the Slovenian coastal region. Join us in celebrating creativity, culture, and the performing arts at the Primorski poletni festival.