Celostna podoba zdravilišča Debeli rtič - Youth health resort logo design
Ideja za logotip zdravilišča izhaja iz edinstvene lokacije in posebnega poslanstva mladinskega zdravilišča. Zdravilišče Debeli rtič se nahaja na bujnem zelenem polotoku in je del zaščitenega krajinskega parka. To je prijazen in zabaven kraj, ki nudi gostoljubje socialno ogroženim otrokom z zdravstvenimi težavami.
Debeli rtič - Youth health resort logo design
The idea for the logo comes from the unique location and specific mission of the Youth Health resort Debeli rtič. The resort is situated on a lush green peninsula in the Adriatic Sea. It forms a part of a protected landscape park. This is a friendly and fun place that hosts socially deprived children with health issues.