Projekt D
Projekt D je projekt dveh čudovitih dam z vizijo - modne bloggerke in ustvarjalke spletnih vsebin Dragane Radošević in profesionalne fotografinje Dominique Pozzo.
Avtorici sta zasnovali projekt, s katerim dvakrat letno predstavita modne kose neodvisnih ustvarjalcev trajnostne mode iz Slovenije in Italije. Modne kose najprej predstavijo medijem, vplivnežem, bloggerjem ter nato, na open-eventu, še kupcem.
Cilj tridnevnega dogodka, ki poteka v Gorici (it) je predstavitev in spoznavanje modnih ustvarjalcev, poudarek pomena kupovanja lokalnih izdelkov ter tudi povečanje občutljivost do trajnosti oblačil in modnih dodatkov.
Navdih za podobo projekta smo našli v črkah P in D, ki se med seboj prepletata v Art Nouvojevskem stilu. Omenjeni stil je v Gorici (kraju, iz katerega sta avtorici projekta in kjer dogodek poteka) namreč močno prisoten. Za projekt D smo oblikovali logotip, posterje, flyerje, nalepke in objave za social media.
Projekt D is the project of two wonderful ladies with a vision - fashion blogger and content creator Dragana Radošević and professional photographer Dominique Pozzo.
The authors conceived the project to showcase sustainable fashion pieces from independent creators in Slovenia and Italy twice a year (autumn and spring). They first present the pieces to media, influencers, and bloggers, and then to customers at an open event.
The authors conceived the project to showcase sustainable fashion pieces from independent creators in Slovenia and Italy twice a year (autumn and spring). They first present the pieces to media, influencers, and bloggers, and then to customers at an open event.
The three-day event, which takes place in Gorizia (Italy), aims to introduce and connect fashion creators and media, to emphasize the importance of buying local products, and raise awareness about the sustainability of clothing and accessories.
The inspiration for the project's image was found in the letters P and D, intertwining in the Art Nouveau style – a style very much present in Gorizia's architecture. For Project D, we designed a logo, posters, flyers, stickers, and social media posts.