Tehniški muzej / Technical Museum
Razstava / Exhibition
Razstava / Exhibition
Kaj je svetloba?
»Svetloba je (…) lahko ali valovanje ali curek delcev, odvisno od tega, na kakšen način jo opazujemo.«
pravi avtor razstave Orest Jarh.
Svetloba je zelo širok pojem. Predstaviti ta naravni pojav skozi tekstovne in vizualne vsebine, razne naprave in eksperimente je bil za naš studio poseben izziv.
pravi avtor razstave Orest Jarh.
Svetloba je zelo širok pojem. Predstaviti ta naravni pojav skozi tekstovne in vizualne vsebine, razne naprave in eksperimente je bil za naš studio poseben izziv.
What is light?
"Light (...) can be either a wave or a stream of particles, depending on how we observe it."
says the author of the exhibition, Orest Jarh.
Light is a very broad concept. It was a special challenge for our studio to present this natural phenomenon through textual and visual content, by use of various devices and experiments.

Naša naloga in potek sodelovanja
Primarna naloga je bila zasnovati potek razstave v prostoru in postavitev razstave.
Celoten proces je trajal več kot pol leta, vendar lahko rečemo, da je končni izgled dogodka plod večletnega uspešnega sodelovanja s Tehniškim muzejem Slovenije.
Our mission and collaboration process
The primary task was to design the course of the exhibition in the space and to define the entire layout of the event.
The whole process took more than half a year. However, we can say that the final appearance of the exhibition is the result of many years of successful cooperation between our graphic studio and the Technical Museum of Slovenia.

Ključni grafični elementi – razvoj ideje
Na osnovi zbranih informaciji smo oblikovali celostno podobo razstave.
Igra bele in črne, svetlobe in sence je postala glavna grafična zasnova razstave.
Igra bele in črne, svetlobe in sence je postala glavna grafična zasnova razstave.
Key graphic elements - idea development
On the basis of the collected information, we created the entire and comprehensive concept of the exhibition.
The play of white and black, light and shadow became the main graphic design of the performance.

Razstava je razdeljena na 2 dela, teoretični ter interaktivni.
Teoretični del prinaša odgovore na splošna vprašanja o svetlobi: kaj je svetloba, kako se giblje, preko katerih naprav se prenaša. Sestavni del eksponatov predstavljajo predmeti in optične naprave, ki so plod slovenske industrije. Skozi ogled nas vodijo liki priznanih znanstvenikov.
Interaktivni del je namenjen preizkusom svetlobe. Na ogled je veliko naprav, ki so se skozi leta nabirali v skritih kotičkih muzeja. Del razstave je namenjen tudi zaznavanju svetlobe s strani slepih in slabovidnih.
The exhibition
The event is divided in 2 parts, theoretical and interactive.
The theoretical part provides answers to some general questions about light: what light is, how it moves, through which devices it is transmitted. An integral part of the exhibits consists of objects and optical devices that are fruit of Slovenian industry. The figures of acknowledged scientists guide us through the tour.
The interactive part is dedicated to light tests. We have exposed many devices that the museum had been accumulating over the years in hidden corners of the building. One part of the exhibition is also dedicated to the perception of light by the blind and partially sighted.

Pri oblikovanju prostora nam je pomagal arhitekt Martin Simčič.
Razstava bo na ogled od 5. 10. 2022 do 31. 12. 2023 v Tehniškem muzeju Slovenije v Bistri.
Architect Martin Simčič helped us with space design.
The exhibition will run from 5th of October 2022 to 31st of December 2023 at the Technical Museum of Slovenia in Bistra.